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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Laws on Freedom and flags

Still America? That's what you may think or maybe only those people near my age (52) knows what Freedom was, so how would know if you never had it? America was a proud place once and flying flags were admired, gave us a warm supportive, I am at home feeling. Now you can't hang a flag on a restaurant or in your front yard. Yes, a man put a flag in the front yard and he was told to remove it because of a 'clutter' law. Argument being if everyone put flags out it would look bad. Even political 'voting' signs were not allowed because of the obstruction and clutter they produce.
But proud flags on top of a restaurant is not unsightly or cluttery, it's pride and support. Is this freedom? Ask yourself why not support america during these perilous political dark days that are weakening and killing our beloved country like a cancer in a body. I will post the link to this story but more importantly exactly why there are any vague laws on Flag Flying being enforced in record numbers is beyond me or perhaps John Kennedy (the last true president for the people) told us this answer.

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